Hello curious writer, thank you for wanting to find out more

‘Thank you for taking my writing seriously. I’m eternally grateful for that sudden injection of self-belief.’

Emily Devonald, Founder of KEVRI, London

‘The retreat was so well organized. Nothing was left wanting. Humor and play was forefront. Learning has never been so much fun. As many have said, it was life changing.’

Stephen Davis, Screenwriter, Sydney

‘I loved every minute of it! And I found the bestest friends during the retreat.’

Aini Abdul Conway, founder of Ransel Buku, Kalimantan

‘Writing Retreat Bali has been a launchpad into a stellar, literary exploration for most of us.’

Martin Leigh, Headteacher, Thailand

‘From the minute you step into that green oasis you feel looked after, supported, involved, spurred to be creative and free to express how you see the world.’

Sara Caspani, Social Impact Advisor, NSW
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